Searching for Land

Aerial view of Farm on 42nd, winter 2019. We’ve come a long way since then.

It’s complicated.

The only way to farm that makes sense to me is as part of a vibrant community. With a smaller plot in the city limits, neighbors and friends could participate in the vibrancy of a farm ecosystem at their doorstep. With more land just beyond, I could follow more expansive dreams, have a larger orchard, even some forest crops. I would jump at the chance for either.

Who owns the land and who has the right to farm? Ownership is a strong word, I feel more drawn to land tenure - the assurance that next year, and the next, I can tend to the same piece of land. That’s assuming the wildfires let me. Will the landowners?

Did you know that 98% of land in the United States is owned by white folk? Do you know that it’s only gotten worse over the past 100 years? There’s a few organizations working to correct these wrongs that are worthy of note.

Acres of Ancestry

National Young Farmers Coalition

Center for Ethical Land Transition

Nuns and Nones - a faith based effort

If you have a resource to share, please send it my way. If you’d like to know more about my personal land search, see the page linked at the header at top.


Approaching Solstice


Planting for Pollinators